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Canon R30 - A4-skanner

Canon R30 - A4-skanner
  • Varenr.: 109016 - Lev. nr.: 6051C003
  • Canon
  • Pris per stk for kjøp av 1 Stk3.869,00  Kr.ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
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Beskrivelse af Canon R30 - A4-skanner

  • Transform scanning processes with the user-friendly imageFORMULA R30. Simply connect your PC or laptop to the scanner and start scanning - it's that easy! No need to install drivers or software. The R30 is the ideal, easy solution for a small business or office community where multiple people need access to a scanner.

    - Increase efficiency
    Save valuable time and increase productivity with the built-in CaptureOnTouch Lite software that eliminates the need for software installation. Just connect the scanner to your Windows or Mac device and start scanning in less than 1 minute.
    - Boost productivity
    Stay ahead of your tasks with productive double-sided scanning speeds of up to 50 ipm and a large 60-sheet automatic document feeder. Scan individual or mixed batches of media and capture a range of outputs, including plastic, embossed, or business cards, while saving to multiple file formats using optical character recognition and creating searchable digital files.
    - Produce high-quality output
    Ensure that all your scans are of outstanding quality by using automatic image enhancement features that adjust settings based on the content of the scanned image. Simply place your documents in and scan with features like automatic size, deskew, and text orientation correction.
    - Reduce environmental impact
    Minimize your environmental impact with this energy-efficient device that uses less than 10W of electricity during use. Reduce waste thanks to high-quality technologies and high-durability consumables. The lower weight helps streamline logistics, and the device is packed with environmentally friendly materials and reduced use of plastic.
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