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HSM Securio makulator AF150 Auto P5 1,9x15 konfetti -> HSM Securio makulator AF150 Auto P5 1,9x15 konfetti

HSM Securio makulator AF150 Auto P5 1,9x15 konfetti -> 

HSM Securio makulator AF150 Auto P5 1,9x15 konfetti
  • Varenr.: 104909 - Lev. nr.: 2082111
  • HSM
  • Pris per stk for kjøp av 1 Stk10.600,00  Kr.ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
Ikke på lager Forventet leveringstid: 15 Dag(er)

Beskrivelse af HSM Securio makulator AF150 Auto P5 1,9x15 konfetti -> HSM Securio makulator AF150 Auto P5 1,9x15 konfetti

  • The simple and comfortable form of data shredding in the workplace. The shredder with automatic paper feeding effortlessly and time-savingly shreds paper stacks of up to 150 sheets and single sheets.• The valuable materials and quality "Made in Germany" guarantee security and long service life. With a 3-year warranty.• The induction-hardened cutting shafts made of solid steel with a lifetime warranty are resistant to staples and clips and guarantee a long service life.• The paper stacks are shredded time-savingly, reliably and comfortably.• The powerful motor ensures high cutting performance and reliable continuous operation.• The shredder with Autofeed is equipped with specially developed feed and transport rollers with Nanogrip technology and securely feeds the paper stack one sheet at a time.• Useful dual function: During Autofeed stack processing, it is possible to manually feed paper at the same time.• The shredder has been awarded the Blue Angel (German environmental label) for
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