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Leitz Ringperm Cosy PP 2RR 25mm grå

Leitz Ringperm Cosy PP 2RR 25mm grå
  • Varenr.: 105105 - Lev. nr.: 42380089
  • Leitz
  • Pris per stk for kjøp av 1 Stk69,00  Kr.ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
Ikke på lager Forventet leveringstid: 15 Dag(er)

Beskrivelse af Leitz Ringperm Cosy PP 2RR 25mm grå

  • Feel at home with the Cosy series from Leitz no matter where your workday takes you. With its minimalist design and inviting matte colors, you add style and color to your workspace. Cosy ring binders are ideal for presenting and storing documents, as well as keeping them organized with easy access. The decorative ring binder is a perfect addition to your home or office to ensure that you stay relaxed and organized all day. - Store and present your A4 documents with this 2-ring binder - With a 25mm, 2 round ring mechanism that holds up to 190 sheets of 80g paper - stylish spine label that provides easy identification of contents when the ring binder is placed on a shelf or in a filing cabinet - Made of lightweight, wipeable, long-lasting PP, perfect for use on the go - Combine with pockets and dividers for quick organization of content - Plastic-free packaging - The Cosy series from Leitz combines home comfort with premium quality to create a
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