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OMNICHARGE Omni Power Station 5x Omni20+ Svart

OMNICHARGE Omni Power Station 5x Omni20+ Svart
Vejl. udsalgspris   28.375,00 Kr.
  • Pris per stk for kjøp av 1 Stk33.960,00  Kr.ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
Ikke på lager Forventet leveringstid: 3 Dag(er)

Beskrivelse af OMNICHARGE Omni Power Station 5x Omni20+ Svart

  • Omni Power Station 5x Omni20 +

    Flexible power for the modern company
    For all your smart devices
    Easy implementation
    Power station with cloud service *
    High-quality components
    Smart power supply
    Overcurrent protection

    Flexible power for the modern company
    Omni Power Station is designed for forward-thinking organizations that understand the need to provide portable power access to people so they can access power anywhere; at or outside the workplace without being restricted by fixed infrastructure limitations.

    For all your smart devices
    Omni 20+ is a power bank that intelligently powers most devices at the same time. Equipped with a powerful 60W USB-C port, a 100W AC outlet, and fast wireless charging, it is the perfect power solution for today's workforce.

    Easy implementation
    Each Power Station comes with 10 or 5 smart portable Omnicharges, which can be easily distributed and fully charged in just 3 hours. Each station only needs one outlet to operate and is flexible to fit any space, allowing you to work anywhere without limitations.

    Power Station with cloud service *
    - Connect via wired or wireless connection directly to the Omnicharge IoT platform.
    - Report the station's health as well as the charger's proximity and health attributes.
    - Allows users to rent and return a charger with a kiosk or mobile app.
    * Cloud service sold separately as an annual subscription.

    High-quality components
    Shockproof aluminum housing with high-efficiency heat dissipation.
    - High-power cables.
    - Fine high-quality finish.

    Smart power supply
    - Compact size with efficient heat dissipation.
    - Smart protection against overheating: Power is restored automatically when the temperature returns to normal operating condition.
    - Short-circuit protection.
    - Overvoltage protection.

    Overcurrent protection
    Secondary fuses provide fast response to changes in the power grid.

    What's included
    1 Power Station
    5 Omni 20+

    Power Station Specifications
    Charging time: All batteries fully recharge in 3 hours.
    Requirements: Standard power outlet and Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection.
    1 Power Station: 10 omnicharge portable chargers
    Size: 33.3 x 17.8 x 14.0 cm
    Weight with devices: 10.9 kg
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