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T-shirt shape Keychain - 80 x 32 mm Packed per piece in a black gift box.

T-shirt shape Keychain - 80 x 32 mm Packed per piece in a black gift box.
  • Varenr.: 97866 - Lev. nr.: SKC.080.032.001
  • Pris per stk for kjøp av 1 Stk23,00  Kr.ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
Ikke på lager Forventet leveringstid: 21 Dag(er)

Beskrivelse af T-shirt shape Keychain - 80 x 32 mm Packed per piece in a black gift box.

  • Sublimation keychain T-shirt

    This keychain has a unique look, it is made of aluminum and has a shape like a T-shirt. You can personalize the keychain by sublimating the white insert with a flat heat press. Then, simply press the sheet onto the double-sided tape on the keychain, and it is ready for use!

    The keychain is both practical and fun! You can personalize it in full color and use to represent your favorite sports team jersey or another image or text. Use the supplied black gift box and you have a unique and personal gift.

    Because it is made of aluminum and the printing technique is sublimation, you are guaranteed a sustainable product. Your customers will enjoy it for a long time.


    • - sublimation keychain

    • - T-shirt shape

    • - aluminium

    • - gloss

    • - 80 x 32 mm

    • - including black gift box

  • Per pack: 1
    MOQ: 12
    Color: Silver
    Temperature: 190 (C) / 374 (F)
    Time: 70
    Pressure: High
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