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Hahnemühle Canvas Metallic 350 g/m² - 44" x 12 meter

Hahnemühle Canvas Metallic 350 g/m² - 44" x 12 meter
  • Pris per stk for kjøp av 1 Stk6.301,00  Kr.ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
Få på lager Forventet leveringstid: 2 Dag(er)

Beskrivelse af Hahnemühle Canvas Metallic 350 g/m² - 44" x 12 meter

  • Hahnemühle Canvas Metallic is a silvery-shimmering FineArt Inkjet canvas with a specially formulated inkjet coating for FineArt use.
    The bright white canvas impresses with a unique metallic finish on a finely textured surface. The sophisticated metallic effect ensures a lively and highly individual image effect.
    The high-gloss premium inkjet coating guarantees high-quality prints and art reproductions with bold colours and nuanced contrasts and details.
    The combination of canvas and metallic gloss underscores the image and makes motifs with bright colours, movements, and reflections exceptionally brilliant.
    Hahnemühle Canvas Metallic is acid- and lignin-free and meets the most exacting requirements in terms of age resistance. The flexible poly-cotton canvas is perfectly suited for do-it-yourself stretcher-frame systems.

    - 350 gsm, Poly-cotton-mix
    - Bright White
    - Elegant, finely woven surface texture
    - High-gloss premium inkjet coating for outstanding printing results with a unique, silvery-shimmering metallic effect
    - Acid- and lignin-free
    - ISO 9706 compliant / museum quality for high age resistance
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